Illustration of a humanoid robot plugging a power cord from a large computer system into his chest.

Boost Dice

Boost dice are designed to give players a second chance when their roll doesn’t quite succeed, representing an uncanny or fortunate turn of events that can turn failure into success. These dice are a D4 that can be added to any stat roll. A player begins the game with a number of Boost dice equal to half the maximum value of their Mental Agility (MA) die. For example, if a character’s MA uses a D8, they would start with 4 Boost dice. After a rest period, these dice are replenished up to the character’s maximum. If a player already has more Boost dice than their maximum, they keep the extra but do not gain additional dice from the rest.

Players can decide to use Boost dice after seeing the result of a stat roll. They may roll any number of Boost dice they have available, but each die is rolled one at a time, after the result of the previous one is determined.

In addition to the regular replenishment of Boost dice after a rest period, the GM may award extra Boost dice throughout the session for acts of heroism, exceptional role-playing, or other significant contributions to the game. This gives players further opportunities to influence important moments and adds a layer of reward for immersive or creative play.

Using Your Boost Dice

Player: “I’ll have my android interface with the security computer to get the facility’s layout. Rolling my Mental Agility: D20 plus my D8.” [rolls] “That’s a 14 total.”

GM: “Not quite enough. The security system is pretty robust. You’ll need at least an 18. Your initial attempt to break in is blocked.”

Player: “I’ll roll a Boost die.” [rolls D4] “That brings it to 16, still not enough. But we really need that info. I’ll roll another one.” [rolls D4 again] “Now I’m at 19!”

GM: “Perfect! Just as the system seems locked down, a sudden glitch opens up a vulnerability. Your android seizes the chance and successfully pulls the facility’s layout, including a few hidden areas.”