Illustration of a black-masked super hero standing beside a woman with a large exposed brain that is emanating psychic energy.


There are four statistics that govern a character’s competency when dealing with various situations. Once a character concept has been determined, each of these stats should be assigned one of four dice that will be rolled along with a d20 to determine success or failure when encountering a situation that requires the use of that particular stat. During character generation, a player will assign a D12 to the stat they most excel in, a D10 to their second highest stat, a D8 to their third, and a D6 to the stat they feel is their greatest weakness.

Following is a list of the four basic stats and their uses.

Physical Strength (PS)

The PS stat is used when a character encounters a situation where they rely on their strength, stamina or physical force to aid them. This stat is also used when determining a character’s Life Points and in healing after a rest period (see Life Points).

Mental Strength (MS)

The MS stat is used when a character’s intellect, knowledge or ability to reason is used to aid them in overcoming an obstacle. It is also used after a rest period to mitigate temporary Deficiencies (see Damage and Recovery).

Physical Agility (PA)

The PA stat is used when a player must rely on their speed, dexterity, balance or quickness to overcome an obstacle. It is also used to determine action order when action order is contested (see Action Sequence).

Mental Agility (MA)

The MA stat is used when a character must use quick thinking, perception, persuasion or deception to overcome an obstacle. This stat is also used to determine the base number of boost dice a character starts with each day (see Boost Dice).