Illustration of a blue, alien woman in a space station saloon, speaking to the aliens and humans gathered there.

Listen to Your Players

Listening to your players is essential for creating a collaborative and engaging experience. Encourage them to voice their ideas, whether it’s offering creative solutions during gameplay or contributing to world-building. Recognize that each player may prefer different play styles—some may enjoy deep roleplay, others tactical combat or problem-solving—and try to balance these preferences in your sessions to ensure everyone is having fun.

If a player wants to propose a specific outcome or explore new aspects of their character, be open to negotiation. This not only makes them feel more invested in their character’s development but also fosters a sense of shared ownership in the game. By incorporating their ideas, you allow players to take an active role in shaping the story and influencing the world around them, ensuring that their creativity is rewarded.

Involving players in the storytelling process—such as letting them narrate the outcome of their actions or contribute details to the setting—can enrich the narrative and make the game more dynamic. It also benefits you as the GM by sharing the creative burden. When players take an active role in building the world, it takes some of the pressure off you to create everything yourself, allowing the story to unfold more organically.

Finally, ensure fairness across the group, making sure no player dominates the game and that everyone’s input is valued. By listening and adapting to your players’ feedback, you create a more personalized and enjoyable experience for the entire playgroup, fostering a sense of collaboration, shared excitement, and mutual investment in the story.