Illustration of an old west gambler with gin drawn, standing in front of a poker table surrounded by players.

Enforcing the Rules

As the Game Master, your primary responsibility in enforcing the rules is to ensure that gameplay remains fair, consistent, and enjoyable for all participants. When players attempt a task, it’s up to you to determine which character attributes and stat rolls should be applied. This decision should be guided by the rules of the game, the narrative context, and the characters’ concepts. Make sure to clearly communicate the necessary rolls and relevant attributes before players commit to their actions, so everyone understands how the mechanics are being applied.

Enforcing the rules also means maintaining the balance between challenge and feasibility. It’s important to ensure that tasks feel neither too easy nor impossibly difficult, given the situation and the characters’ capabilities. While you have the final say in all rulings, be open to player input—after all, your goal is to maintain the flow of the game and uphold the spirit of the rules, rather than adhering rigidly to every mechanic. Flexibility is key, as the narrative sometimes benefits from bending the rules in favor of storytelling, allowing for more dynamic and enjoyable gameplay experiences.