Illustration of a super speedster, running through the city at night with speed streaks surrounding him.

Movement as Actions

A character or NPC may expend one action point to move up to the base movement plus or minus any movement modifiers imposed on them by applicable attributes (see movement). This movement need not be expended all at once, but can be broken up with other actions being performed between smaller movements during an action round.

As with attributes, only one action point may be expended on movement during an action round without penalty. A character or NPC may choose to expend two additional action points for a total of three to move up to twice their base distance during the round. You can think of this second movement expenditure as representing a character or NPC dashing or running during an action round.

Example of Movement as Action

GM: “The villain leaps onto the subway car as the doors begin to close. You’re 20 feet away. What do you do?”

Player: “I’ll spend an action to move, clear the 20 feet to the subway car and slip in just as the doors are closing.”

GM: “You’ve reached the doors, but getting inside at this point is going to be tricky. You’ll need to spend an action to use your acrobatics skill. Go ahead and roll with your Physical Agility.”

Player: [rolls d20 + PA and skill bonus] “Great! I made it inside!”

GM: “You’ve still got 10 feet of movement left from your first action, and the villain is rushing to the other end of the train car.”

Player: “I’ll use that 10 feet to chase him down, then another action to grab the stolen goods.”