Illustration of a magical healer kneeling over a fallen comrade on a battlefield and casting healing magic on them.

Damage and Recovery

There are many ways a character may be harmed during the course of play, whether through combat, falling, fire damage, extreme heat or cold, starvation. This list goes on. However the damage from such harm occurs, it is all tracked by the loss of life points. If ever your character is reduced to  0 life points or below, they will perish. There are three ways to regain lost life points, but you can never regain more that your current maximum number of life points.


You will regain life points equal to 5 + your PS die roll after a rest period (see Rest Periods).

Using Equipment or Attributes

The description of some attributes or equipment may specify that they can be used to heal life points. A magical healing talisman or a med kit would be an example of equipment that would provide this effect, while a healing spell or medical training would be examples of attributes that could be used to heal life points.

Trade for a Deficiency

When damage is dealt to a character, the player has the option to haggle with the GM for an appropriate deficiency in lieu of some or all of the damage dealt. As with the acquiring of deficiencies after a rest period, the GM is the final arbiter of the specifics of the trade. The player may accept or refuse the trade as they choose.

Example of Damage and Recovery

GM: “The warrior lies on the battlefield, heavily injured from the fight. She is barely holding on with only a few life points left. What do you do?”

Healer: “I’ll try to heal her with my healing spell power to bring back some life points.”

GM: “Alright, roll for the healing effect.”

Healer: [rolls d8] “I got a 6, so she regains 6 life points.”

GM: “The spell takes effect, and she’s conscious but still looks rough. [To warrior] You could take a deficiency to reduce some of the initial damage you took. That might keep you on your feet longer if another hit comes your way.”

Warrior: “I’ll take a deficiency, maybe something like ‘wounded leg’ that’ll slow me down, to reduce some of the damage I took earlier.”

GM: “That works. With the ‘wounded leg’ deficiency, you’ll reduce the initial damage by 5 life points, so you’re in a better position if the fight continues.”