Illustration of a fantasy adventuring party camping in out in the woods at night.

Rest Periods

A rest period is a set amount of time that characters must spend sleeping or otherwise refraining from activity to recuperate. If too much time passes between rest periods, the GM may choose to impose some sort of deficiency to represent exhaustion. In addition to avoiding these deficiencies. There are a number of benefits to engaging in a rest period.

Regaining Life Points

When a rest period has been completed, entities may regain a number of lost life points equal to 5 plus the result of a physical strength die roll.

Replenishing Power Pool

After completing a rest period, your power pool replenishes to its current maximum point value.

Ability reset

The number of times an ability can be used is often dependent on rest periods. When a rest period is completed these abilities are recharged to their maximum number of uses.

Boost Dice Reset

When you complete a rest period, the base number of boost dice for your character is reset. If you have gained additional boosts through game play and already have more boosts available to you than your base number, you do not lose these additional boost dice.

Deficiency Mitigation

When you complete a rest period, roll your Mental strength die up to three times, subtracting the result of each roll from a separate deficiency point value. If the point value of any deficiency reaches zero as a result of this, that deficiency is discarded.

Acquire a Deficiency

You may choose to regain additional life points after a rest period by haggling with the GM to add a certain number of additional life points in trade for an appropriate deficiency. The GM has final say on the specifics of the trade, but the player can choose to make the trade or not once the specifics have been established. A deficiency newly acquired in this way is not eligible for deficiency mitigation until the next rest period has been completed.

Example Rest Period

GM: “You settle in for the night, resting to recover. Start by rolling your Physical Strength die and add 5 to restore your life points.”

Player: [rolls] “I got a 4, so that’s 9 life points back. I’m still low, though. Could I regain more if I take on a deficiency from the burn damage I took earlier?”

GM: “Alright, I’ll add 5 extra life points, but you’ll have “Heat Sensitivity” that will cause plus 2 to any additional heat-related damage you take. 5 points to mitigate that deficiency.”

Player: “Got it. That puts me in better shape. Now I’ll roll Mental Strength to try to mitigate my two other deficiencies. I’ve got 2 points left on ‘exhaustion,’ which gives me a minus 1 to PS rolls, and 6 on ‘bum knee’ that causes disadvantage on PA rolls.”

GM: “Go ahead and roll once for each of those to see what you can reduce.”

Player: [rolls] “I got a 3 and a 4—enough to clear the exhaustion and reduce the bum knee by 4.”

GM: “Noted. You wake up ready for the road. Your power pool is now at max and your daily abilities have reset, though your knee’s still giving you a bit of trouble and your skin is raw from the burns you suffered.”